2 definitions by Someguynamedjoe

Derogatory term for a female of limited intelligence, social skills, or overall worth to society.

Compliment to the derogatory masculine form "tool", which is used to refer to a male with similar qualities. "Tool" as a derogative term is derived from the use of "tool" as a general term for male genitalia. "Toolbox" can easily be construed the feminine equivalent. Tool is to toolbox as penis is to vagina, being the most obvious analogy, "toolbox" becomes an elegant compliment to "tool" in the pantheon of gender-based disparagements.
Dick may be kind of a tool, but Jane is a complete fucking toolbox!
by Someguynamedjoe June 6, 2007
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Slang term for female genitalia. An obvious offshoot of the now common "tool" to refer to male genitals.
Hey, baby! Mind if I put my tool in your toolbox?
by Someguynamedjoe June 6, 2007
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