4 definitions by SomeShitlord

“Get me some bread, or I'll hit you with my bommy-knocker.”
by SomeShitlord September 21, 2017
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The opposite of hack; to restore a hacked system to a functional state or revert the effects of a security breach.
I need to unhack this web site.

Please unhack your mail server, it is sending tons of spam.
by SomeShitlord April 26, 2018
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Impossible to get rid of.

May also be used to describe something which is undesirable or unwanted but has nonetheless resisted all attempts to get rid of it.
Another artefact of this meta-linearity is that time travel is ungetridofable as soon as the first jump is made.

Call Escargo Express for all your ungetridofable items.
by SomeShitlord December 27, 2022
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Plural of Software used when referring to countable collections of software.

Originally the result of a common language error frequently made by non-native English speakers, it is now increasingly common in the English speaking world as a whole. Thanks to our non-Anglo brothers and sisters in the trade many of us have now assimilated the term "softwares" & in the 21st century simply refer to "softwares" regardless of any other specifics. In the 20th century we would often use terms like "software products" or "software applications" in a commercial setting in order to indicate a collection of several discrete pieces of software, you can use "softwares" in all such cases.

There is an important distinction between the plural "software" (uncountable) and the plural "softwares" (countable). Softwares (countable) refers to finite collections of software products, applications, drivers, modules, scripts, algorithms, and other discrete pieces of software presented in any format and which may or may not fall under one or more more specific classifications as well. You could be a software developer but you may still refer to your collection of assorted projects as "softwares" rather than using more specific terms like "applications", "drivers", "scripts", etc - or the less specific uncountable "software" in which case it would not communicate whether you worked on one thing or many different things.
I have developed many softwares.

I have twelve trading softwares installed on my computer. I will be a millionaire. Lovely jubbly.

What are the different softwares available for multi peak fitting?
by SomeShitlord February 12, 2022
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