11 definitions by Some person

To stare at something when you should naturally look quickly away from.

Comes from the saying "took advantage"
some girl1: "I was getting changed and was completely nude when some guy walked in on me"

some girl2:did he look advantage of you?

some girl1: yes, he stared at me, didnt saying the whole time and wouldnt stop even after I covered up!
by Some person August 1, 2004
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Something you wish you will never will see or even HEAR said.
Silk: DWO 1.90 will be up in a year.
NewPerson: A year?! Aw man, that's a long time
DWO-Oldbie: Alright, I'd rather watch paint dry.
by Some person August 6, 2004
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A way of saying that someone looks stoned in the midlands.

A recent study found that 7/10 potheads in Herefordshire used this while telling a friend they looked fucked in the venue.
pearl: Mate you look absolutely fucking pretzeled!

Bouncer: Hey Chaps! I overheard you talking about pretzels. No food allowed in the venue.

Rocco: No. Don't worry mate, it wasn't food.

Before they could blink they were sitting in the back of the police car looking absolutely pretzeled without any pretzels.
by Some person July 30, 2017
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Awsome school that other kids wish they could get into but can't because they have their head too far up their ass.
Bob: Hey I tried to get into Tower Hill but couldn't.
Jim: Maybe it's because your head's too far up your ass. Try Tatnall they'll take anyone
Bob: Hell no! Tatnall sucks balls
Jim: True
by Some person March 18, 2005
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