4 definitions by Sokin' annoyed

Whiplash is a nonmedical term used to describe neck pain following an injury to the soft tissues of your neck (specifically ligaments, tendons, and muscles). It is caused by an abnormal motion or force applied to your neck that causes movement beyond the neck's normal range of motion.

Whipletch happens when ones head must turn suddenly to ensure maximum eye contact with a particularly fine piece of arse that has come into your field of vision.

The term whipletch was first used in 2010 in Anting, Shanghai, and despite its replacement by synonyms (such as acceleration flexion-extension neck injury and soft tissue cervical hyperextension injury), it continues to be used to describe this common soft tissue neck injury. Your doctor may use the more specific terms of cervical sprain, cervical strain, or hyperextension injury.

whip (hwp, wp)
v. whipped or whipt (hwpt, wpt), whip·ping, whips

1.To strike or affect in a manner similar to whipping or lashing: Icy winds whipped my face.


letch also lech (lch)
1. A strong, especially sexual desire or craving.
2. A lecher.
Hey Malc, What's up with your neck mate?

Oh... hell this sokin fine lady walked past me this morning and caused me chronic whipletch..
by Sokin' annoyed October 27, 2010
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Whiplash is a nonmedical term used to describe neck pain following an injury to the soft tissues of your neck (specifically ligaments, tendons, and muscles). It is caused by an abnormal motion or force applied to your neck that causes movement beyond the neck's normal range of motion.

Whipletch happens when ones head must turn suddenly to ensure maximum eye contact with a particularly fine piece of arse that has come into your field of vision.

The term whipletch was first used in 2010 in Anting, Shanghai, and despite its replacement by synonyms (such as acceleration flexion-extension neck injury and soft tissue cervical hyperextension injury), it continues to be used to describe this common soft tissue neck injury. Your doctor may use the more specific terms of cervical sprain, cervical strain, or hyperextension injury.

whip (hwp, wp)
v. whipped or whipt (hwpt, wpt), whip·ping, whips

1.To strike or affect in a manner similar to whipping or lashing: Icy winds whipped my face.


letch also lech (lch)
1. A strong, especially sexual desire or craving.
2. A lecher.
Hey Malc, What's up with your neck mate?

Oh, hell this skokin fine lady walked past me this morning and caused me chronic whipletch..
by Sokin' annoyed October 27, 2010
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You are sokin annoying..

I am sokin cold.
That car is sokin quick..

My colleague is sokin lame...

Best to pop this baby into a sentence really quickly to avoid physical violence with whom one converses with. Sometimes disguised by a cough or a sneeze.
by Sokin' annoyed May 11, 2010
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Main Entry: Chuff·ter pup·pet

Pronunciation: \ˈchaf-tər\ \ˈpə-pət\
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of Latin chufftious and Middle English popet youth, doll, from Middle French poupette, Date: 14th century

1 : The person on the receiving end of a clenched fist into the anal canal from a loved one or friend; specifically : refered to as the Chuffter Puppeteer or doer

Chuff·ter pup·pe·teer
Pronunciation: \ˈchaf-tər\\ˌpə-pə-ˈtir\
Function: noun
Date: circa 1923
: one who manipulates Chuffter puppets
Look at the way the person is walking, I bet he was somebody's "Chuffter puppet" last night!
by Sokin' annoyed May 23, 2010
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