1 definition by Soggy.bread.123

Ed sheeran is the most hottest man to ever exist on this world. If you ever meet a Ed Sheeran, consider yourself lucky. Gingers are usually very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very horrid...but not this ginger. Ed will find you. Dont open your closet at 3am after saying Ed's name three times, spinning in a circle with 6 pounds of mustard in your hair, playing the flute, while ed sheerans song plays in the back at exactly level 25 of volume. If you do those actions, ed sheeran will come for you. He will be with you in your dreams.
"Ed sheeran! Ed sheeran! Ed shera-"
Everyone else: "DONT SAY THAT OUT LOUD!!!!"
John: "Ed Sheeran is hot"
by Soggy.bread.123 January 21, 2021
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