2 definitions by Soft Hack

Aka diarrhea of the mouth. When someone keeps talking for no apparent reason. Oftentimes they say 5 paragraphs worth of information in one breath, take that breath and say 5 more. Just STFU!!!!!!
OMG Becky had this cute little thing on her toenail and I was like OMG, Becky you have this cute thing on your toenal and she was like yea i know isnt it so cute? And i was like yea what is it? and she was like oh i have no idea. i got it after getting with tommy. he is so hot. and i was like ya i know.

I hope you get the picture....because i am no expert at speaking in glossarrhea
by Soft Hack January 3, 2006
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A word in the Talish dictionary. It is a combination of exausted and exacerbated. Occurs at the peak of annoyance when you would just rather be sleeping than dealing with that annoyance.

This word is a verb
I was so exaustriated after my parents found out about me sneaking out last night (and consequently not getting any sleep).
by Soft Hack January 3, 2006
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