1 definition by So.Cal. Matt

standard measurements are ACTUALLY:
3.5g is an 1/8 of an ounce, 7g is a 1/4 ounce, 14g is a 1/2 ounce and 28g is an ounce. the wieght of the bag does not matter, and should not be included in the wieght sold. most drug dealers will sell anywhere from 1g for $20 to nearly 2g for good herb, and 1g for $2 for some stress. a "good" price - from someone in humboldt county should be $40 an 1/8, with a price break of $140 for a 1/2.
ex1: hey bro, thanks for hooking up 3.8 for $40, i'll be back.
ex2: damn, i only got 3.3 for $60? this better be the most dank weed i've ever smoked!
by So.Cal. Matt December 29, 2005
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