4 definitions by Snoopystheshit

This is the most serious and secret promises of them all. The holy of promises. Definitely not something to mess around with. This is a serious matter that needs to be taken cautiously. You keep it your in the clear you break it. Three words "Karma is a bitch".
Jimmy: Hey don't tell Sarah that I like her please.

Ralph: Don't worry bro I won't. (Liar)

Jimmy: Pinky Promise?!?!?

Ralph: Pinky Promise (makes a pinky promise)

*Next day Ralph tells Sarah that Jimmy likes her. *

*Ralph pinky falls off next morning *

The End!!!😃
by Snoopystheshit April 13, 2015
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A natural born idiot who lives life not knowing which way is up or down,left or right, and black from white. An underdeveloped brain. They'd loose their head if it wasn't attached. An unique species. Not to be confused with a dumb blonde which are very similar but indeed different. So the next you meet a dumbass cut them some slack.
Austin: Hey Tanner where's Logan?

Tanner: Oh he's been trying to get his feet out of his shoes for the past half an hour!

Austin: Isn't he wearing tenna shoes?

Tanner: Yep, I gave up and left him.

Austin: Oh gosh Logan he's such a dumbass!

Tanner: Maybe I should go help him untie his shoes.

Austin: Yeah...... He's ( Logan walks in room)

Logan: Hey guys I finally got my shoes off! (Holding scissors and shoe laces in hand)

Austin: Hey Logan maybe you should go back to wearing sandals.
by Snoopystheshit April 1, 2016
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A girl who religiosly only eats at Chipotle and drinks Starbucks coffee. If she dosn't get her starbucks in the morning don't mess with her.
Alex: Hey you hanging with your girl today?

Trent: No way man the Starbucks near my house moved locations. I can't see her today I'm too young to die.

Alex: Wow sounds serious, good job being cautious bro. Got to watch out for those basic white girls.
by Snoopystheshit March 19, 2015
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Probably the most catchy song on the internet at the point! Stands for Pen Pinnapple Apple Pen! 🖊🍍🍎🖊
You know that one song ppap?!
Omg yes I love that song it's so catchy!
by Snoopystheshit October 4, 2016
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