1 definition by SnakyPoet

1. A turd hanging off the rear end of a sheep (caught in the fleece).

2. Someone who is daggy, i.e. uncool. This can be meant insultingly or affectionately. (Much like that other well-known Australianism, "you old bastard".) On the face of it, it's an insult, but there are ways in which it is seen as admirable to be a dag – having one's own style, not caring for public opinion, being outrageous, being a source of friendly amusement, being original.
1. "About time the farmer cut off those dags."

2. (a) Insulting: "I wouldn't go out with him, he's the biggest dag around."

(b) Affectionate: "She's such a dag, we always have heaps of fun."

3. Comedian John Clarke's character on New Zealand and later Australian radio, Fred Dagg, so named for obvious reasons.
by SnakyPoet December 7, 2007
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