1 definition by SmokeGreen4Lyfe

SGFL Means "Smoke Green For Life". The term "Green" in this definition means Marijuana or in 'Murican weed, pot or maybe even cannabis.

The term SGFL came from a user from the PlayStation Network who goes by the name "SmokeGreen4lyfe". SGFL Started being used on November 28th 2015 at about 5:30pm. Stoner's world wide think the conversation went something like this:

"Yea nigga, sgfl!"

"Dafaq does that mean?"

"Yea, really... What the hell?"

"Yall guys suck dick, it mean SmokeGreen4Lyfe (Smoke Green For Life)"

by SmokeGreen4Lyfe November 28, 2015
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