1 definition by SmileKid16

A Kid who's confident, loud and most certainly didn't want to be a cheerleader.

Guy Guard Member:
He can be gay, but not always. He's strong, graceful and is always surrounded by 40 girls. He has real balls to go up infront of tons of people and do amazing shit to only get critisized.

Girl Guard Member:

A pretty and outgoing girl. She's sweet and helpful to anyone who wants to learn about guard. There loyal and care about they're guard family.

They are all amazing, and are a huge family along with the marching band :)
Damn, Those Colorguarders stick together.

That's stephy, she's a Colorguarder.

Look at how graceful those Colorguarders are!
by SmileKid16 May 4, 2010
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