2 definitions by SmileAndWave

A word my dad used to use when I was a kid, to verbalise crouching down for a pee in an area where a bathroom was not in the vicinity.
You need to go? Do you want to cookie-down by those trees over there? Just ignore the sheep.
by SmileAndWave September 11, 2009
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The chaotic instance in which, during urination (esp. females) in a public area, the wind whistles through your legs, blowing your pee way off course. Can either end up in front of you, or covering your dropped jeans, resulting in a wet and smelly situation.
I experienced pee and blow the other day when I was crouching down by the roadside... my jeans got soaked. My mom had to put a towel on the car seat.
by SmileAndWave September 11, 2009
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