5 definitions by Smallpp69

I think you meant meth because it is so yummy and taste good bois
Math were on it
by Smallpp69 January 7, 2020
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The cure to opioids and no one can tell me different.
Lip balm is made in heaven
by Smallpp69 January 7, 2020
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He likes to chew on yummy toaster and sniff socks it gives him the tingles he is about 8 foot tall and weighs 47.9 pounds his brain cells = -36 donkey Kong Joe mamas of of 7
Peyton Lauseng is a wast of space
by Smallpp69 January 9, 2020
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Yo mama is so gay that she is dating you
by Smallpp69 January 21, 2020
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The lord of all gays beware of his very powerful peen
by Smallpp69 January 22, 2020
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