1 definition by Slave to the Sparkle

Any smallish decorative / personal adornment item that a) can or does glitter, shimmer, or sparkle; b) is often small-ish in physical size and not exceedingly expensive for a single piece; c) is surprisingly (almost frighteningly) collectable. And once you get a few, you really need a few more, because they're fun and pretty and not much maintenance. Then a few dozen more, to round out your collection. Then a few hundred, because there are slight differences and you really do need all the variants. Pretty soon your home has a dedicated area for your own personal flavor of sparklecrack: your makeup, your jewelry, your gemstones, your pewter figures...what have you.
It's not sparklecrack until it has its own storage solution.
by Slave to the Sparkle November 13, 2010
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