2 definitions by Sixti060

'Transition police' is used to describe people who gate-keep other people's transitions from one sexual orientation to another. The LGBT community favors access, and inclusion, and is not a restrictive community. It supports liberation. Transition police often try to restrict and decide for another person, whether they can belong to the sexual identity that the person has chosen for themselves.
Andrew: How was last night?

Megan: I thought I was lesbian, but now, I think I might be Bi.

Andrew: Well, you can't just say that because you had a great time Provo-Soaking with Ozi...

Megan: Quit being transition police!

Andrew: Oops! My bad.
by Sixti060 November 25, 2022
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Counter-sexual refers to the quality of evolving into any sexual orientation, based on the sexual preference of the person who you desire.

A person's counter-sexual orientation can change depending on the sexual orientation of the person they're trying to smash.
Andrew: Ozi recently switched to counter-sexual.

Kendra: Oh, what is counter-sexual?

Andrew: Ozi is a cold-blooded heterosexual, but he became counter-sexual by switching into a trans woman, because he heard that Kira was a lesbian.

Kendra: Really?

Andrew: Yeah. That dirty dog Ozi is a clever counter-sexual because Kira gave up the goods.

Kendra: What a vibe! Who knows what Ozi will morph into next week?
by Sixti060 November 5, 2022
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