5 definitions by Siracha, Baby

A Geo-Political misfit, is a region of it's own.
Poland: Go back to Asia, where you belong!
China: Go back to Europe, where you belong!
Russia: *Sighs. I guess I will never fit in.
by Siracha, Baby May 2, 2019
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A vulgar, swinish, amorphous blob of a creature that is commonly found in Brazil and the United States, especially the southeast. Also commonly known as amerimutts as well as more politically correct terms such as melungeon and pardo, these hideously complected beasts of ambiguous origin are the product of centuries of outbreeding and inbreeding tracing back to the colonial era.

Appearance: They smell and look like bloated pig carcasses, are quite squat, and are prone to morbid obesity and other such health problems.

Mannerisms: Violent mongrels that can’t control their anger, especially when intoxicated with alcohol. Often beat or shoot each other up over bullshit like sports or politics, and even disown family members over petty disputes. Also will fuck anything that moves, be it a jungle savage, his own sister, or even going as low as to fuck livestock.

Hobbies: Eating McDonald’s, shopping at Walmart, worshipping niggers and Jews, voting in bullshit elections, fear-mongering about random garbage, Calling eastern/southern Europeans “nonwhites”, bringing shame to actual white Americans.

Pinkoid: Russians are mongoloid and deserve to be gassed!
White man: Who are you to say who’s white and who isn’t? Your people can’t control yourselves around sheep, let alone niggers.
Pinkoid: Still whiter than you, Muhammad.


Democuck: You’re racist for being white, republican and not wanting to suck Tyrone’s cock!
Remuttlican: Retard! I will have you know that one of my best friends is black!
Democuck: You’re not a racist unless you let Jamal bang your wife and kneel for dead drug addicts! You must also support Hamas!
Remuttlican: Support Israel or I’m reporting to the ADL, retard!
by Siracha, Baby November 2, 2023
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The people who own all the banks, they are also protected by the US military and cops to the point you can go to jail in most western countries for pointing that out. It’s because Anglos believe to this very day that the Ashkenazim are god’s chosen people that western society is loosing it’s charm. You can spot a Jew by the hooked nose, fragile face, sanpaku eyes, slanted ears, and frequent balding and manletism.
Lewis: We were the bad guys of WWII, no one won that war but the Jews.
Phil: What are you on about Lewis?
Lewis: I know it sounds like a conspiracy theory, but the alied armies left entire cities uninhabitable and all Hitler did was cleanse his continent of a serious shyster problem.
Phil: Gee Lewis, you might be on to something.
by Siracha, Baby November 11, 2022
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Ironically enough, the most overrated adjective ever! Used by bitter snobs who hate on people who are interested in different tastes like a bunch of children. Usually a sign of immaturity, insecurity, unabashed racism, emasculating tendencies to nerd rage, and a life so unfulfilling that they actually give a shit about meaningless dichotomy.
Music elitist: Rap Music is overrated garbage, I wish people would listen to Metal instead!
Video game elitist: Fortnite is overrated garbage, I wish people would play Final Fantasy like I do!
Anime elitist: Dragonball Z is overrated garbage, I wish people would watch Fullmetal Alchemist as I do!
Normal person: Cock jousting is overrated garbage, I wish people would shut the fuck up, enjoy what makes them happy, and stop fighting like a bunch of crack-addicted 5th graders!
All elitists: Shuht uhp, Joofaggit, wea nohw yoo suhk marksuhst dik!
My faith in humanity: I Just can't seem to get happy, maybe this will help. *pulls out noose
by Siracha, Baby May 28, 2019
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A country that can't decide if they are Germans or Italians. They also make damn good chocolate!
Switzerland: Am I German or Italian?
Everybody else: Shut up, you bitch-ass coward!
by Siracha, Baby October 23, 2018
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