1 definition by Sinuous

"Naid" - Someone who acts stupid or does a stupid thing in public or while around people.
Example 1: If someone says or does someting stupid, they are considered a "Naid".

Example 2: If someone says "I have Aids" out loud, they are considered a "Naid". (Inside joke)

Example 3: If someone is stuck on the side of the road, they are considered a "Naid".

Example 4: If someone sucks at a Video Game, they are considered a "Naid".

Example 5: If someone drives a crappy car, they are considered a "Naid".

Example 6: If a cop pulls you over, they are considered a "Naid".

Example 7: If a girl/guy blows you off, they are considered a "Naid"

Example 8: If you touch or take someones food without asking, you are considered a "Naid"

Example 9: If you get drunk, get on top of a car, and while hanging on the the railing on top, go 80 mph, you are considered a "Naid:

Example 10: If you drive all the oil out of your car, you are considered a "Naid"

Example 11: If you type a long paragraph and then back up or change the page without saving, you are considered a "Naid"

Example 12: If you are txting someone and you send a txt you really wish you didn't to the wrong person, you are considered a "Naid"

Example 13: If you use the word "Naid" when it is not needed, you are considered a "Naid"

Example 14: If you and another car arrive at a 4 way stop at the same time, and you both start to signal each other to go and neither one of you will go first, you both are considered "Naids"

(Pretty much "Naid" categorizes everything)
by Sinuous March 4, 2010
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