1 definition by Siludin

The way Canadians, British, Australians, and any other English-speaking country aside from the United States pronounce the final letter of the alphabet: Z. The American pronounciation "Zee" is derived from a now commonly obsolete late 17th century English dialect. The pronounciation "Zed" is ratified by the French "Zède", the Spanish and Italian "Zeta", and the Dutch "Zet", to name a few.
Eh, Bee, See, Dee, Ee, Eff, Gee, Aych, Eye, Jay, Kay, El, Em, Enn, Oh, Pee, Cue, Arr, Ess, Tee, You, Vee, Double-You, Ex, Why, **Zed.**
by Siludin July 29, 2006
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