2 definitions by Sigfussonp

The phrase, ‘never backs down’ is not to be mistaken with bravado or mistaken as hyperbole. A person who never backs down is NOT someone you want to fight or argue with. Why? Because they will NEVER back down. Even when they might be wrong, they do what they think is right in a given situation. Or any creature, for that matter.
Never give up, never surrender! (And never backs down) -Commander Peter Quincy Taggert
by Sigfussonp January 29, 2022
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Kavery the one person you always want in your corner, especially in a fight. She is the woman who never backs down and always has your back. Kavery is synonymous with honesty, loyalty, incomparable beauty, charm, and wit. Be careful what you ask a Kavery because she will always tell you the truth.

Kavery rarely starts an argument but always finishes them. If you ever meet a Kavery, thank the gods for your luck because she is the best person you will ever meet!
“I’m really not looking forward to going to school, there’s a bully who beats me up every day!”

“Man, you need yourself a Kavery.”

“Dude, my girlfriend cheated on me again!”

“Bro, You need to find yourself a Kavery.”
by Sigfussonp January 28, 2022
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