1 definition by Sidjenskck

Havertown.... A town where you'll find drunken ass kids walking around on almost every street. Drinking and smoking or just getting fucked up is the only thing to do because there's absolutely no way to entertain yourself or have fun any other way. You can always find a nice party and the main choice for beer is "Natty Ice", which you'll find empty cans in every almost every park. You can always find weed and find kids who sell eho which think they are "El Chapo." You can always find some bad bitches around here and it takes about 5 minutes to take them to your house for the night. There a variety of different kids which includes; Prepy frat kids (who think they're better then everyone else, Athletes, hardasses, so called "gangstas", junkies (drug addicts), thots, and normal everyday people. Havertown is a very unique place, and a good place to raise your children if you want them to be a bunch of drunks who know how to party. Cops in Havertown are and will be the biggest assholes you'll ever meet in your life. They love going after drunk teenagers and pot smokers and will go to any lengths just to catch you, so you got to be on alert at all times. Every kid who lives in Havertown wants to get out and move as far away as possible, but once they leave they miss it and would do anything to go back. You can leave Havertown but the Havertown will never leave you! (This is also a fact)
"Yo wanna go to Havertown and get fucking mangled?"
by Sidjenskck October 1, 2017
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