3 definitions by Side Hoe #1

TREE; Freakishly tall
Person 1: "Do you see that tree among the shrubs?"
Person 2: "No, that's just Dolores Margaret"
by Side Hoe #1 September 13, 2019
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A TREE; tall. Usually plays the ukulele and sings but isn't very good at either. She is pretty much the ugliest person you will ever meet. Dolores' are kind and truthful and when they tell you something it's from the heart. She can be a real bitch sometimes but when she's not, she is an ok person. Dolores has a lot of friends but only a few very close friends. When you are Dolores' best friend, you know that it will be permanent. She is a crazy but quiet person and only shows her true identity around her closest friends. An obnoxious eater but doesn't show it when in public. Loves all types of food especially bread and broccoli. You can't trust her around someone you like because she is a true match maker and will do anything to get you two together. Overall, Dolores is ugly af and fucks up sometimes but she is a good person deep deep deep deep down there somewhere.
Person 1: "Have you seen that ugly bitch, Dolores Margaret?"
Person 2: "Yea, she is freakishly tall, it's hard not to notice her."

Person 1: "Omg look at that Tree among those shrubs!"
Person 2: "hahahaha TREEEEE"
by Side Hoe #1 September 13, 2019
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Not very good at math. Has a girlfriend that he really loves but also has 6 side hoes. A man of little words. Usually plays the ukulele and is very good at singing. Gives great love advice. Tends to get many people in trouble with his thoughtless words and actions. He's a great friend and will always be there if you need someone to talk to. If you ever meet a Tony, he will mostly be a good person.
Rando bitch: Do you know that kid Tony over there?
Side Hoe #1: Yes I'm his #1 side hoe
by Side Hoe #1 September 12, 2019
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