4 definitions by ShyTed77

This is the stage of your penis when it is between semi-hard and an erection. It's not quite a semi and not quite an erection - an eremi.

Also known as semection.
Example 1:
"Mate, just watching her bend over is giving me an eremi."

Example 2:
"I'm eremi'd up just thinking about it."
by ShyTed77 March 29, 2010
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This is the same as an Eremi and refers to your penis when it is between the semi-hard stage and a full erection.

It's not quite a semi and not quite an erection - it's a semection.
Example 1:
Girl: "Have you got a hard on!?"
Guy: "No"
Girl: "Yes you do!! It's bigger than a semi"
Guy: "I have a semection!"

Example 2:
"Lying beside this girl in bed it may have looked like I was semi'd up but I had a full semection on the go, if she was naked I would've had an erection."
by ShyTed77 March 29, 2010
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The area between a woman’s vagina and her butthole because if it wusnae there the two would be one.

FYI the Ulster Scots for “wasn’t” is “wusnae”
She didn’t make me a sandwich so I kicked her right in the wusnae.
by ShyTed77 April 1, 2019
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AFC = Any fucking chance???
Short version of “is there any fucking chance?”
Used whenever you’ve asked for something (usually more than once) and you still haven’t received it.
“Hey Fatih have you done that report yet?”
“Not yet”


“Is there AFC of you doing that report!?”
by ShyTed77 January 24, 2019
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