3 definitions by Shy Bry

A guy that is really brash,Vulgar and Impulsive.He is a tough guy but is a really sentimental as well.He can put himself in other people's shoes and is able to feel their sadness.He is a very hot tempered person as a matter fact he gets angry over a small thing.But what really gets to him is if he sees someone with a peasant mentality or someone attacking someone that he really cares about.He is not a guy with many friends as no one dares to anger him but if you really try to understand him you will understand the root of his problems and the cause of his unusual temparament
Brydon is a egotistical scumbag in some people's eyes
by Shy Bry December 9, 2018
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She’s Lovely.She’s something to cherish with all my heart.She loves me and a I,her.❤️
by Shy Bry August 16, 2021
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A guy with big black juicy lips and has a 50 inch bushy 🐓 that can rip holes in air planes
Dude there is a hole in that plane.It must Be Vineeth
by Shy Bry March 7, 2019
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