1 definition by Shutupnuraz

That funny kid, the legend himself.
A very caring and funny guy who will make you laugh till your lungs are non- existent. He gets along with everyone and has a very bold personality. He is very likable but awkward sometimes. He has a sexy and very big ballsack that carries his future children whom will love to praise and love their father. Nuraz is very tough and clever with his high IQ and knowledge of the world. He is the person you see but not always interact. Nuraz is someone who has many perspectives and finds the middle ground for any problem. May not always be the girl magnet but will manage to find one anyhow.He is well known for his excessive hairyness due being to a brown boy. The Boys will always back him up when needed. He is astronomical at the things he puts his mind too and can go any path to try and find success. You never imagine needing him until you need him, when there is a problem he is nice to have around. Overall sexy guy who will steal your mum's credit card in no time.
Nuraz is a good man, i want to be like Nuraz
by Shutupnuraz May 30, 2020
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