1 definition by Sharpypus

The action of waiting for something to pass naturally; to go away; to settle or calm down. (Winchestering often takes place within a local pub/bar)

The Winchester is a British pub in the movie (Shaun of the Dead) 2004 where the characters of the movie go to wait for things to 'blow over' thus Winchestering is the adjective.

Quote from the movie:
"Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil, grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?"
Boris: Hey John, what the fuck is going on?! where is Teresa?
John: Oh shit son, she's only gone and signed the Brexit papers... shit just got real!
Boris: People are out of control, I ask again.. where is she?!
John: Oh, she's just Winchestering it right now.
Boris: Fuck Sake...
by Sharpypus November 30, 2018
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