2 definitions by Shamedall

When during any activity, you stumble over randomly lying, very long chuj damiana and fail your activity because of that.

Used mostly by greek people, based on their multiple experiences with that situation. The term was popularized and used as a comma, metaphore or common invocation, for example instead of "Jesus Christ!" or "fuck"
-We almost had that game! chuj damiana!

-How did you lose your arm? - chuj damiana striked me

-Harry your turn, take this powder, say the right spell and toss it into the fire to teleport - Sure thing... chuj damiana, what was the spe.. - Harry no!
by Shamedall July 20, 2021
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When you leave the lane without saying a word, or abandon someone in general without letting him know.
- I died on top lane becuase my support did Alex on me!

-Hi Kate, why are you crying? Did he do Alex on you again?
by Shamedall June 19, 2019
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