2 definitions by Sh1fty0ne

The act of having a chowie on a woman who has had no less than 3 men deposit a bucket of man milk in her.
Dude, did you hear about Aaron going to the Manhatten Fish Market for a feed?
by Sh1fty0ne October 21, 2010
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The runner of which is the dominate alpha male. Generally contested by random competitions, the winner has bragging rights and must must acknowledged as the runner of Barter Town by all other competitors until he loses
After an intense game of Scrabble between Leroy and Jethro

Jethro - "Who run Barter Town bitch"
Leroy - "You run Barter Town Jethro"
Jethro - "Damn Straight"
by Sh1fty0ne October 21, 2010
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