4 definitions by SextraLover3000

Mexican GTA maid that gets paid 1 penny and half a stick of gum she also sings Dora
Boy 1:Hey, who’s Susan
Boy 2: Susan is my Mexican GTA maid
Boy 1: oh that’s so cool
by SextraLover3000 July 29, 2022
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Susan is a Mexican GTA maid who only gets paid two cents and half a stick of gum. She loves her life very wouldn’t change it for the world she also loves her owner.
Boy: Hey what are your pronouns
Girl: My pronouns are Susan
by SextraLover3000 February 28, 2022
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two homosexuals fingering each others ass or two lesbians doing oral sex
girl 1: I just watched hentai and I’m gay and horny

girl 2: Oh it’s okay we can do sextra
by SextraLover3000 February 28, 2022
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