10 definitions by Sexism Education

Bossy is a patronising way to describe a woman who takes up space and speaks her mind. Women in leadership are always at risk of being brandedbossy’ and the use of this word can deter women from seeking positions of authority.

Beyoncé explained, “I’m not bossy. I’m the boss”, as part of the 2014 Ban Bossy campaign which addressed the confidence gap between young girls and boys and aimed to encourage girls to lead.
He realised that the bossy young girl displayed the same qualities as the little boy being praised as a natural leader.
by Sexism Education March 6, 2022
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Cold is used to describe a woman who isn’t acting in a traditionally ‘feminine’ way. Some women are caring, warm and expressive and others aren’t. Women in leadership are faced with the mismatched expectation of having both leadership qualities and stereotypical feminine qualities. It’s often accepted that a male leader can be the ‘silent type’, but when a woman acts in the same way (because she knows masculine qualities are more respected), she’s an ‘ice queen’.
The female CEO was described as ‘cold’ because she wasn’t happy, smiling and chatty all day long.
by Sexism Education March 6, 2022
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Fierce is a word used to describe strong women, however it also infers that a woman isn’t acting as we expect her to. Fierce is a particularly problematic sexist term, as it is often reserved for women of colour and reinforces the ‘angry black womanstereotype.
Instead of calling her fierce, he called her strong, as that was exactly what she was.
by Sexism Education March 6, 2022
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