2 definitions by Seschwanbam

There are few words other than 'perfect' that can describe the raw beauty of a Lamees. An absolutely beautiful, kind, big hearted, caring, loving, generous, sweet, cute catooo who makes the best girlfriend even to walk the surface of the planet. She can make anyone's day 200X better by just talking to them. Also a massive NF fangirl. Overall an amazing, wonderful, fantastic person.
"I love you so much! You're my Lamees!"
by Seschwanbam July 5, 2019
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An absolutely beautiful, kind, big hearted, caring, loving, generous, sweet, cute catooo who makes the best girlfriend even to walk the surface of the planet. She can make anyone's day 200X better by just talking to them. Also a massive NF fangirl. Overall an amazing, wonderful, fantastic person.
"I love you so much! You're my Lamees!"
by Seschwanbam July 5, 2019
Get the Lamees mug.