2 definitions by Septecsrt

It means one who has strength or vigor.
Bharadwaj is a kind hearted man. He always thinks a lot about things and is always looking for the next big thing.
He is very curious. His curiosity has lead him to places. He is also a bit weird and some of his actions can't be given a reasonably explanation. He could never hurt anyone knowingly or even get angry at anyone. He is a very optimistic person. Always thinks positive and is a smart person.
Who is that person asking so many questions about us ? Might be Bharadwaj.
by Septecsrt November 23, 2021
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He is a smart boy everyone says but he doesn't believe that. He is always confused about what to do in life but deep down he knows he loves sports. He is a very pessimistic person. He has good social skills but hardly anyone knows him. He always thinks twice before saying anything.
if you ever see a person blabbering about how shitty the world is that might be a Chrislo
by Septecsrt November 23, 2021
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