1 definition by Seemefeelme

Fabricated from the word “Tampon” with the same water based soaking brilliance as a tampon, but meant for one or both nostrils to soak up discharge which has become problematic. Such as blood, snot, or a runny nose that wont turn off due to genetic defect, injury, disease, drug addiction or use, or infection of the sinus cavity. Prolonged use is generally blamed on allergies but could be a wide variety of causes which could require reconstruction surgery of the entire sinus cavity, or a small part of the sinus cavity. An allergist is not a surgeon. Seek medical advice. Nosepons are very noticeable & restrict breathing filtered air into the lungs, but they do make a non productive person productive for a temporary fix. Prolonged use is not normal & not proof it is allergies or any other reason. Water discharge can turn to blood discharge & requires medical advice.
I could focus better on counting all that money if my nose was plugged with Nosepons or should i continue dripping blood on these 100 dollar bills?
by Seemefeelme February 15, 2023
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