1 definition by Secret society

Watch Dog Committee is an inter-organization dedicated to fostering an undying brotherhood and sisterhood which promotes unity, equality, and peace.Its purposes are:
1. To build an undying brotherhood and sisterhood and create a lifelong bond of friendship.
2. To promote equality regardless of race, gender, social status, and affiliations in different groups.
3. To promote unity and teamwork between different groups, organizations, fraternities and sororities, clubs, and societies and impart that we are more alike than different.
4. To advocate for peace between other groups, organizations, fraternities and sororities, clubs, and societies.

Most Watch Dog Committee members came from the marginalized people, however, people who belong to the average and rich social classes were able to join after 19 years of existence. Many members can be found in the United States and in the Philippines.
by Secret society February 23, 2009
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