284 definitions by Scott

In any video game, being beaten, in any division of game (firefight, round, etc.), by a newb by a large margin, or being defeated by one of the least powerful weapons in the game when you have clearly superior weaponry.
Playing Halo 2 while you have the sword and are defeated by someone with a needler.
A long time player being defeated by their friend who has never played before.
Even more so when a combination of the two.
by Scott March 20, 2005
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Slut + Hoochie = Sloochie
"Let's go out to the bars and get us some sloochies tonight."

by Scott October 23, 2003
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to make funky, or even of a disgusting or smelly nature
This room is funktified.
I need to de-funktify it.
by Scott December 6, 2003
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1. To ramble on incoherently until someone threatens you with a pearing knife.

2. To cause havoc with consistent stupidity and retarded remarks.

3. To make hilarious jokes at random moments.

4. To baffle others with mind-numbing stupidity
That joke was a real netfan.

You are such a netfan.

Wow, you just netfan'd that one.
by Scott June 24, 2004
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Emo kids that can't have sex due to their overwhelming feelings of unhappiness.
Conner Oberst: "What's wrong dude?"

Chrise Carabba: "I'm sad because my girl dumped me because I was too sad to have sex with her"

Conner: "dude, emosexuality is a disease, you need help. I got help and now I'm not so sad, and I can get laid now."

Chris: "But, I just can't help it, I like being sad..."
by Scott July 1, 2004
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A band that some people refuse to define as ska and would much rather generically label it rock. And it has a lot of members...too many to count...and the number is always changing.
Person A: Want to go to the Lostasai concert?

Person B: Who?
by Scott March 11, 2005
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