2 definitions by Scott Bay

Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006. A very wealthy, quiet city in Orange County, California. People are loaded but for the most part aren't as pretentious or materialistic as the beach-city counterparts of the Upper-class OC (Newport, Laguna, La Jolla). Generally nice people, but the kids are spoiled and bratty, as to be expected.

Commonly referred to as 'the Y.L.'.
Dude: Where are you from?
Girl: Yorba Linda.
Dude: Oh, no wonder why you're so bratty and spoiled.
by Scott Bay September 3, 2007
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Ranked as the richest city in the United States by the Census for 2006. A very wealthy, quiet city in Orange County, California. People are loaded but for the most part aren't as pretentious or materialistic as the beach-city counterparts of the Upper-class OC/SoCal (Newport, Laguna, La Jolla). Generally nice people, but the kids are spoiled and bratty, as to be expected.

Commonly referred to as 'the Y.L.'.
Dude: Where are you from?
Girl: Yorba Linda.
Dude: Oh, no wonder why you're so bratty and spoiled.
by Scott Bay September 15, 2007
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