1 definition by Scopatumanavscogarl

Ratu, when translated to english, means Queen. People who have the name Ratu slaaaaaaysssss and their attitude fits the name quite accurately. In their good side, they are generous, rich with happiness that they don’t mind sharing you a huge amount of it and love to interact with others, it may be awkward for a few seconds, but they are a smooth talker when it comes to making friends. Everyone cherish a ratu in their lives and look up to them as they are like the queen that rules over their hearts with her bright personality. However, never beg to be in their bad side, once you’re come into their bad side, you can’t get out of it. They will still acknowledge your existence but they will passively ignore the shit out of you, they always and will forever remember the wrong things you did to them even though they forgive you, that does not give you a green light to just approach her normally like before. Overall, everyone needs a Ratu in their lives, because she is filled with a lot of advices, intelligence and is also wise when making decision, but once they are in love, they became dumb dumb
Person 1 : OMG she’s so intelligent, kind and friendly! I won’t mind getting on both of my knees and worship her!

Person 2 : Yeah, obviously because she’s a Ratu. The Queen of everyone’s hearts.
by Scopatumanavscogarl November 23, 2021
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