3 definitions by SchwarzenMann

Sometimes referred to as the "Sovereign Citizen defense" where somebody sets defense of invalid arguments under the law and misinterpret an argument based around the United States is a corporation, spelled their name in all caps, citing rulings that have no bearing whatsoever in their court case. This type of defense is generally used anti-socials looking to avoid any form of accountability.
There's John using the strawman defense filing paperwork that he's not really "John" because they spelled his name in all caps in his discovery file and misusing court rulings from 150 years ago to claim they have no jurisdiction over him so they must let him go.

Darrell Brooks tried this type of argument which is growing im popularity amongst psychopaths and their defense.
by SchwarzenMann October 30, 2022
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the nonexistent criminal boss fortniters pretend is out there and everybody needs to look out for them or implications of violence are suggested. they don't want to go to jail
Bro i wouldn't talk about him he's in the mob remember look out for number 1
by SchwarzenMann October 30, 2022
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