1 definition by Schuett

A somewhat tall and overweight individual. Their surname is usually "Robert" or some other generic western birth name but their nickname is almost always Scotty when they fill the expected physical attributes mentioned previously.
He/it/they take liberty and pride in surreptitiously depositing rohypnol in the alcoholic beverages unsuspecting females. Their living conditions are commonly unsanitary and uninhabitable by regular human beings.

A Scotty can typically be found in pursuit of heavily intoxicated females in any of the college bars throughout the east coast. Unfortunately these situations turn out in favor of the Scotty and they will quite often be gloating about the added notch on their bedpost.

Recapitulaton: this creature often engages in illegal activities involving sexual harrassment, filing of false police reports on peers, and at times possession of drug paraphernalia.
Shannon: "There he goes again."
Danielle: "Who?"
Shannon: "Scotty, he's is following those girls"
Danielle: "Good thing we didn't drink tonight!"

Katie: "Woah! There's grape jelly all over my leg!"
Erin: "Did you check under the seat before you used the toilet?"
Katie: "Shit! I forgot!"
Erin: "Scotty's at it again"
by Schuett March 9, 2022
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