1 definition by Scholar of scholars.

Scum are any of the following foul things:

-Cert I, II, III.
-Pink labcoat bitch.
-German potatoes.
-People who always talk about working for spotlight.
-That creepy cunt Amahd or however you fucking spell it.
-Amahds parent's are fucking cousin's.
-Mining students.
-Mining signs.
-Anyone who doesn't like Justin Bieber shirtless.
-People who say 'gay'.
-Non-Manly straight men.
-Fucking Twelvies.
-Extreme feminism.
'oh yuck look at that fucking scum'

It was a group of mining students walking past wearing Hi-Vis followed by tradies, amahd, spotlight workers and cert III students.
by Scholar of scholars. December 9, 2016
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