1 definition by Schincker

Someone who comes to a party completely unknown, and turns up to the maximum level. He turns everyone else up higher then they were before, brings free shit like weed, beer, drugs, all that nice stuff, and then gives it all away. Thing is? They leave, unknown, with just a name left behind.
For example. Last year, on a Florida Beach. Some tall dude with the shaggiest hair came to my college beach party. Was getting boring as jagger man. This dude shows up, 2 OUNCES of the LOUDESTTTT shit ever man! Just gave it away! Then he got up on the cliff and started head banging, pouring a 40 ounce on his hair. Total fucking epic. Dude left though, when the hottest girl in the party started grinding. Left his name in her back pocket. "Charlie Marley" Dudes a legend here in the Carolina beaches man. At least to everyone around me! He's like an urban legend of all labelers!
by Schincker August 12, 2014
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