3 definitions by Schedeladmirer

Someone who is intelligent but has a very wide achterhoofd. His schedel is unbreakable.
Holy shit! Is that a titkine on your forehead?
by Schedeladmirer December 28, 2022
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It's like saying "I swear to god!" trying to convince hood nighaz for doing some thug irony for thug hunter.
Nigga 1: No way! Is that Quandale Devon Dingle on thug hunter?
Nigga 2: On bd on cuh it's him cuh!
Nigga 3: Shut yo faggedy ass up nigga.
by Schedeladmirer March 19, 2022
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Once said by the legendary discord packer "No-lungs Chunks". He says this when he asks some one a question and when they try to answer he interrupts them mid-sentence. If he succeees he gets 1 point, starting a "forced upon" points game with them. You don't need to be gay or black to be adressed by this sentence.
Chunks: "Yo Tim, did you call Dequavious yet?"
Tim: "I did, but he said-..."
Chunks: "Shut yo faggedy ass up nigga."
Tim: "Aaaiiighttt"
Chunks: "Let's gooo. 1-0 baby."
by Schedeladmirer June 20, 2022
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