1 definition by Sava332

A person who is a look alike to another person. This person is a twin to the other, but could have been born is a different part of the world or years before the other doppelgänger. Most doppelgängers seem to have one bad and one good. In many cases if your doppelgänger was born at the same time as you they would make your life a living hell. Some people never meet their doppelgänger but if you do I have warned you.( the word doppelgänger is a Latin word that means evil twin)
In the show The Vampire Dairies the main character, Elena, has a doppelgänger named Katherine who is over 500 years older than her but she was turned into a vampire. Katherine tried in every way to make Elena’s life hell and even tried to kill her multiple times.
by Sava332 March 4, 2018
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