3 definitions by SaucyWench

Extremely weak or worthy of ridicule. From the phrase, "Couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag."
John is such a weakling, he couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.
Yesterday's football match was rubbish, it was nothing but a wet paper bag fight.
by SaucyWench May 30, 2016
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Wild panic, represented by running around with hands in the air. Such panic vaguely looks like an impersonation of a reindeer with antlers, hence the naming of the term. Antler Dancing indicates that a person is extremely worried but not doing anything to fix a problem, just wasting time or performing fruitless activities.
The fire was spreading and people should have grabbed the extinguishers, but everyone was too busy doing the antler dance.

The supervisor's big presentation is due in an hour, but instead of getting it finished, he's just antler dancing.
by SaucyWench April 27, 2016
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Driving with extreme speed, dangerously or in a real rush. Occasionally used when not driving, ie, a small child running around a house and likely to collide with someone or something. Named for Juan Manuel Fangio, Argentine race driver.
I thought Sam and I were going to be late, but we drove there really quickly, he was really fangin it.
by SaucyWench November 11, 2016
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