2 definitions by Sasho lulina

An abomination created by silly slaves at the American University in Blagoevgrad. This shit combines:



Some myths explain it as follows: When drunk and high devil and God took a shit.
A: There are too many utensils for eating. What can I do???
B: You need the Forknife Stroonstick! It combines everything in one and it makes eating 10 times more convenient!
by Sasho lulina August 22, 2023
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Two words that summarise a chemist that risks his life every day. Uses his balcony as a fumehood in Sofia's most underrated districts - Lulin. Also "Sasho Lulin" can be used in the context of a 13 year gypsy.
Ako strelqsh v tumnoto shte ucelish Sasho Lulina.
by Sasho lulina July 27, 2023
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