1 definition by Saraneversleeps

Ohio is the heart of America and is well known for it's amusement park in Sandusky Ohio called Cedar Point, which has over fourteen rides and loads of tourists come summer.

Ohio also has a huge historical background which can be seen almost everywhere you go.

Ohio is one of the states with the most American accent.

It's pronounced, OH-HIGH-OH, not OH-HAI-UH. If you go to any person who was raised in Ohio they will laugh at you for pronouncing it differently than 99% of America.

Ohio rivals with Michigan about sports, and they don't like each other because Michigan thinks Ohioan's drive slow -- while Ohioans think they drive like bats out of hell. (Which they do.)

Most of Ohio is taken up by farms and fields, but don't judge it by the land, for there is many neat things you can discover in Ohio.
Ahai? What the heck is Ahia!? It's Ohio! Not Ahai!
by Saraneversleeps January 10, 2009
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