2 definitions by Sarah_Dreamy054

The girl who holds this name Is a kind and artistic person, someone you can trust and so set and kind.

She has the best drawings and the best music taste

You should get a bestie with the name Gehad

But let's all remember for a second what is the literal meaning of Gehad

In the Arabic language it means Work hard for the sake of god

Which is a beautiful name
If there is someone I can trust, it

would be my friend Gehad
by Sarah_Dreamy054 March 4, 2021
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The sweetest girl in your classroom probably has the name Gehad. She is kind and also talented and she is the person you can go to if you ever feel like you need someone to trust
Did you see Gehad's art it's so beautiful! I wish I can draw like her
by Sarah_Dreamy054 March 4, 2021
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