53 definitions by Sarah Lambert

He wanted me to drive him to get some yea-yo and I told him to get another ride because I dont want that shit in my car.
by Sarah Lambert March 3, 2008
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when you have sexual intercourse with a girl who is on her period and then when you "finish" she licks the blood off your balls, hence the term meatball marinara
Most guys usually dont get any when their girlfriend is on the rag, but Richie always gets a meatball marinara. Hes so lucky.
by Sarah Lambert July 1, 2008
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Brandname and type of self contained pipe.
Has many unique features including a swiveling removeable (with alan wrench) bowl cover, screenless bowl, poker that is also used to clean the pipe and remove "tar" (resin) trap, chamber to store extra pot, and removable "tar" (resin) trap at the bottom of the bowl for easy cleaning/unclogging.
Very handy indeed
When I carry my protopipe around with me I never have to look for a poker, my bowl never spills, and I can carry around some extra sum-sum in the chamber for when the bowl gets cashed.

I love my protopipe
by Sarah Lambert March 5, 2008
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When you need to poop and instead of bringing a book or magazine, you bring your PSP to play while you are shitting.
Every morning my boyfriend takes a PSPoop as soon as he gets up.
by Sarah Lambert March 6, 2008
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When you add dill seasoning to dough, thus making a cheesey joke about dildos.
Guy1: Haha look! *dumps dill seasoning into dough mix* ...I made a dill dough, get it, a dildo! hahahaha!

Guy2: Dude that was lame, imma call you beavis for that.
by Sarah Lambert March 6, 2008
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the fat ass roach of a really fat joint, so fat that it resembles buckshot.
Dude, don't throw away that buckshot, I'll totally smoke it when my sack runs out!
by Sarah Lambert March 4, 2008
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the sheepish lion, jeez, dont you people watch cartoons?
Lambert was a lion raised by a sheep mommy and the rest of the herd of sheep.
and no he did not eat them.
Lambert is so fuckin cute, he saved his sheep mommy from danger!
by Sarah Lambert March 6, 2008
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