3 definitions by Sanndcastle

The name Seeye is of Eritrean origin and is pronounced (See-A). Not (Sigh - E) and not (See-yuh-later). Despite the name being based from a country within East Africa it does not mean that Seeye is from Africa. But it doesn't matter because the teachers will still ask Seeye to stand in front of the class and point at the map as to where he's from.
by Sanndcastle November 24, 2021
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Seeye is name of Eritrean origin and is pronounced (See-A). Not (Sigh - E) not (See-yuh-later). Despite the name being based from a country within East Africa it does not mean that Seeye is from Africa. But it doesn't matter because the teachers will still ask Seeye to stand in front of the class and point at the map as to where he's from.
"I certainly do have one black friend, his name is Seeye".
by Sanndcastle November 24, 2021
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The name Seeye, pronounced (See-A), is of Eritrean origin. Just because the name is based from a nation in Africa doesn't mean that Seeye is from Africa but the teachers will still ask to point on the map of where Seeye is from.

When a white guy from Windsor says they have a black friend they are most likely referencing Seeye.

Seeye wears Nike dri fits with pro clubs and Dior sauvage because Seeye doesn't cheat.

Seeye is always kind, charming and smiling unless he doesn't have an ecig where his persona shifts into some gangsta from Detroit.
Seeye , you like big girls huh? "Yes" Seeye says.
by Sanndcastle November 23, 2021
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