2 definitions by Sandnder

Clickbaiter is a person, who titles their video/article to something, that isn't related to their video/article. They just want views/clicks to get popular/viral.
Clickbaiter's Video content: "So I am watching some Fortnite videos!"
Clickbait Article title: WORLD END DATE REVEALED!
Clickbaiter's Article content: "It might be in 3012, but we are only 2% sure"
by Sandnder August 18, 2018
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Rally can refer to many things. This one is about the motorsport "rally", action "rallying / rally racing"

Rally is a motorsport, where different drivers and teams compete against each other by doing the best times.
1 rally usually takes place in 1 certain place (country, county etc) and there are different stages, that also take places in different places inside the area chosen (country, county etc). Drivers start to stages with intervals (usually 1-5 minutes). Whoever is the fastest overall wins the rally.
There are also rally championships, that hold many rallies in it. Usually championship winners are determined by the points they collect with the rallies.
1) Ottnak won the World Rally Championship 2019 champions title!
2) Rallying is my favorite motorsport.
3) This rally had many spectators.
by Sandnder November 8, 2019
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