11 definitions by Samson III

Noun. A female who travels with a large group of men, servicing each one of them in turn to placate the crowd. This term was created in honor of the brave women who traveled with pirate ships on long journeys, keeping them sane and satiated.
You: I'm going to hang out with the ENTIRE football team tonight!
Me: Pirate Hooker.
You: I take offense to that.
Me: Shut up hooker. Be proud of your heritage.
by Samson III November 10, 2005
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(n.) A measure of the net output of w00t from a given body. One can find through simple mathematics that the w00t into a person at any given time is equal to the w00t out of that person. This is why w00tage should be reciprocated.
Tommy: OMFG Billy w00t w00t w00t U R Awesome!
BIlly: So are you! w00t w00t.
Tommy: Wow, our w00tage is disproportional. You can't be my friend now.
Billy: w00t!
Tommy: You are forgiven.
by Samson III May 1, 2006
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Verb. To drink heavily and pass out touching or on top of another person while either party has a significant other not in attendance. Generally the result of hard alcohol.
I know you've got a man, but let's drink this fifth of Bombay Sapphire and then jonandbattle tonight.

She broke up with him because he jonandbattled with that cheerleader.
by Samson III October 6, 2005
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Verb. To drink a caffeinated beverage before partaking of a more highly caffeinated beverage. Derived from the word "pregame," this act is often avoided due to its cheapening of the second caffeine buzz.
You: Hey, you wanna go grab some coffee?
Me: Alright, but I'm getting decaf.
You: What are you, some sort of pansy bitch?
Me: Naw dude, I'm drinking Monster later and I don't wanna precaf.
by Samson III March 18, 2006
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